Monday, July 31, 2006


LBC report from Bint Jbeil

"We could only manage a hundred metres from Saf Al-Hawa in our car, the rest of the journey had to be made on foot. What I see in this town is nothing short of a catastrophe. The town is completely demolished. The smell of death is everywhere. Instead of reporters we became rescuers, calling out, 'Is anyone here?'. We came across around 15 elderly people who could not even remember how long they had been in hiding. One old woman could not even remember her name. We were forced to carry these elderly people on our backs because it is impossible for any transport to enter the town. I have been to Baghdad and seen the ruination and I was there to report in the 1982 war on lebanon, and I have not seen anything like this. We could not get into Anaitha which is said to be in a worse state than this. The Red cross officials have informed us that wild dogs are eating the corpses there. Words cannot describe the scenes..."

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