Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Kramer isn't Jewish!

With all the big hullabaloo over Michael's (Kramer from Seinfeld) racist outburt in a comedy club this journal was kind enough to remind us that even though Kramer was a Jew on Seinfeld, he isnt one in real life.

Dude, I don't think he was Jewish on the show, even. I remember a couple of references to the fact that he wasn't Jewish in a couple of episodes.
hahhaha i wonder why people assumed he was jewish! even the jews themselves thought he was jewish

cough cough hint hint


At least we didnt say it!
Kramer was Jewish on the TV show Seinfeld? No way. I've seen every episode like a million times and there is no indication of him being Jewish!
SEINFELD is Jewish in real life and on the show. Perhaps you confused the two.
kramer is a moron, character and 'real life'
How can you hate Kramer from Seinfeld, especially after the 'pretzel boycott' episode? :(
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